Learn Design Thinking

Student Programmes

Foundation Programme In Design Thinking

9 Weeks
If you’re a registered student under the age of 35 and a current undergrad looking to enhance your skills to become more competitive in the job market, this is for you. This course will introduce you to the key mindsets and problem-solving methodologies of design thinking. You will also learn how to develop innovative human-centred solutions in agile, multidisciplinary teams.

Design Thinking Week

4 Days
Calling all registered UCT and other Higher Education Institution students. If you are under the age of 35, we invite you to join us for a fast and impactful 4-day immersion in Design Thinking which can enhance your ability to navigate an uncertain world and become more competitive in the job market. This course will introduce you to the key mindsets and problem-solving methodologies of design thinking. You will learn how to develop innovative human-centered solutions in agile, multidisciplinary teams.

Design Thinking in Afrika

An exciting, interactive, and unique online programme in Design Thinking. Participate in a competitive, trans-African challenge and gain exposure to real-world problems, advancing the critical thinking skills that are so desperately needed in solving the problems of our world today.

Design Thinking Dash

2 Hours
This is a fast, fun, and concise introduction to Design Thinking. A team of experienced Design Thinkers will coach you through the design thinking process over a 2 hour period. Design Thinking Dash is a once-off teaser experience that will give you a practical understanding of how design thinking can be implemented.